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  • Writer's pictureCurtis Glenn

The Top 6 Reasons I Play D&D Adventurers League (and you should too)!

There is really no right or wrong way to play Dungeons & Dragons...there are just different ways. Most people may think that D&D is just a game that good friends get together to play; this is often called "homebrew." The truth is that there is a large, global community that plays "organized play" D&D games. This kind of play is called Adventurers League and is the Wizards of the Coast approved organized play system.

So what does this really mean? Well, basically it means that we play D&D rules as written in the source materials...for the most part. However, there is more to it than just that. Here are the top 6 reasons why I play D&D Adventures League.

1 - It Makes Games Available

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from new and experienced players is that it is hard to find a game. Most Adventurers League (or AL) games are held in public places like comic book stores, game shops, and even libraries. However, there is a growing presence of games using technology. Many people who live in remote areas or who have social anxiety find groups to play with through Facebook. Many of these games are played using virtual tabletop technology (VTT) such as Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds. The point is, there are so many games out there, you just have to go look for them.

2 - It Levels the Playing Field

Dungeons & Dragons is currently enjoying a golden era. Never in the history of the game has it been more popular. This means that we have veteran and noob players alike. Adventurers League allows all players, regardless of experience, to come in and enjoy the same game. We all follow the same rules and have similar expectations of what the game will be like. We know that all new characters start at level 1 and progress in the same way. There is rarely any concern about what "special" rules each table might have.

3 - It is Portable

This may seem strange to people who have only ever played at home, but many Adventurers League players love to go play D&D at conventions such as GenCon, Origins, and PAX. Adventurers League allows you the opportunity to take your AL character with you and play in AL games there...or at another store or where ever you want to take it. This means that with just a little bit of hand waving and some creative backstory I can justify why my Tiefling Ranger Pirate who was adventuring in the Moonsea is now exploring a dungeon on the Sword Coast. I can still level up and obtain magic items, I'm just doing it in a different part of the realm.

4 - There are Special Events

Adventurers League is ORGANIZED PLAY. A big part of this means that there are unsung AL Admins, authors, and organizers tirelessly working in the background to ORGANIZE the play of D&D. This may mean simply scheduling games at a local store or it could mean organizing play for a bigger con. One of my favorite special events is a D&D EPIC. These are adventures that are written for multiple tables. They are usually collaborative in nature and more like a "raid" that an actual adventure. They are fast paced and exciting. Often things that happen at one table can impact things that happen at another table. Sometimes there is a boss monster that is way too powerful for one table to defeat, so all the tables have to work together to defeat them.

5 - It is Socially Accepting

D&D players are very divers. Sure, most of us are nerds or geeks...whatever you want to call us. But we are more than that. We span every spectrum of society. We have gay, straight, bi, cis, and transgender. We come in every skin tone, religion, political philosophy, and socioeconomic standing. We are socially awkward, outgoing, hyper, shy, introverted and extroverted. And it really doesn't matter. We come together because we love telling stories together. We love shedding our insecurities for a few hours and being somebody that we aren't and knowing that there is no judgement...because we are all there together...and you can just be you.

6 - It is a Community

When I was a kid, D&D was a game that nerds played in the basement. You didn't talk about it in school and you most kids didn't mention it to their parents (Satanic Panic). Thanks to streamers and D&D celebrities, playing D&D is now a cool thing. Unfortunately, you may be the only person in your group to know that. Adventurers League draws together a community of people from around the world. There is no excuse to not play any more. I can honestly say that many of my best friends today are people that I met playing D&D Adventurers League. Had I never found this outlet, I would have never met some of the most influential people in my life.

If you read this and have your own reasons, add them to the comments. Or, add your favorite AL story or link to a place you play. My hope is that everyone find the best way to play for themselves...and maybe AL is a part of that.

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